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Wind River Platform for Network Equipmen

Wind River Platform for Network Equipment 

Wind River Platform for Network Equipment provides developers with an integrated solution that combines VxWorks, the industry's leading real-time operating system; Wind River Workbench, the premier embedded software development suite; and essential networking and network management middleware. Platform for Network Equipment addresses the challenges developers face by offering a pre-integrated platform while allowing choice, greater flexibility, and a comprehensive partner ecosystem to facilitate tighter product integration. The platform is backed by Wind River's 25 years of device software industry experience, a world-class support organization, and a specialized professional services team.


(153-803) 서울시 금천구 가산동 371-59 신한이노플렉스 703호 (주)엔엘텔레콤
TEL: 02-813-7474 / FAX: 02-813-6355 / E-mail: sales1@nltelecom.com